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Keeping the Main Thing, The Main Thing

Writer's picture: Kayla DudleyKayla Dudley

Updated: Nov 7, 2019


"But we do strongly and earnestly desire for each of you to show the same diligence and sincerity all the way through in realizing and enjoying the full assurance and development of your hope until the end,.. In order that you may not grow disinterested and become spiritual sluggards, but imitators, behaving as do those who through faith (by their leaning of the entire personality on God in Christ in absolute trust and confidence in His power, wisdom, and goodness) and by practice of patient endurance and waiting are now inheriting the promises." -Hebrews 6:11-12


While reading through the book of Hebrews has been such a blessing for me recently, last night's reading of Hebrews 6 in particular really evoked something that has been on my heart.

You see, I have been pondering the concept of value as of lately. All of these dreams have bottled up inside of me for quite some time: To have children some day, to have a family some day... some day some day some day. Over time, as we human beings wait for our desires to come to completion, I have found that those very musings can slowly creep higher and higher in terms of standards. Before too long, perhaps, we find them resting on this pedestal that we created and yet can not attain. The dreams are on a stool that is too tall for even us to reach, and so we spend our whole lives searching for what we think we want. Somewhere along the journey, we lose sight of the main thing and become consumed by our desires that we have twisted into selfishness.

Imagery painted by fairytales, movies, Disney stories, and the lives of others on social media surround us. While this is not a negative thing in and of itself, it becomes one if we allow it to distort our vision of reality. We are always searching for better for ourselves, as if we are of any more value than the next person. We are on the lookout for Prince Charming as women; someone to sweep us off of our feet and be everything we ever hoped for. Do we ever take a second to ask ourselves, however, if we are taking time to work on our own character amidst searching for that character in others? Do we ask ourselves if our desires are a means to find our self worth in another, rather than find worth in the One who created us? Are we putting so much unfair pressure on an imperfect human being to fill a void that only a perfect God can fill? And lastly, are we putting a standard on someone based off of a mere relationship, or a bond that will solely honor God?

"Anything I put before my God is an idol."

These past couple of days, I have realized something that has accumulated in my heart for quite some time: Perhaps I have made an idol out of the idea of marriage and a family. Both of those dreams are a beautiful thing, but they are only additional blessings that the Lord gives upon seeking after Him. ("But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. -Matthew 6:33) If I am a Christian, I need to guard my heart and know where it resides at all times. I can not allow it to wonder into wordiness or vain images of what a fairytale life looks like, but what being a servant of the Lord entails. If the meaning of my life is to be a steward of what the Lord has given me, I must re-focus my perspective and realize that nothing is for me- all is for the glory of my Father. Sometimes our own ambitions become our idols, and in the midst of our striving we forget that this whole life is all for God. If it is not for Him, it is futile. Perhaps it's not about finding "the one" but rather being the one. When the time comes, and there is an individual that has a spirit of servitude and is willing to work for God's kingdom with you, be very wary of your own selfish expectations getting in the way. Pray about it, and realize that any kind of relationship between God's children is something that could potentially magnify His glory in a very strong way- if properly assessed. It's not about us, it's about Him.

"For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” -Matthew 18:20

"So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." -1 Corinthians 10:31

What are you making an idol out of in your own life? As children of God, we are to keep the main thing, the main thing. Everything we do, may it be to glorify the Father.



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