"And be constantly renewed in the spirit of your mind [having a fresh mental and spiritual attitude]," -Ephesians 4:23

It breaks my heart to see how many people in this world are held captive by indignation. What's worse, is the fact that we are the ones in control of our own captivity. Every single day, we have the option to hang onto those burdens that cripple us and those around us, or start over. We can sulk, or we can rejoice in the blessing of another wonderful day of life that God has given us. We can be downcast, resentful, negative, and hold a grudge- or we can release ourself and others with the act of forgiveness. Life is hard enough as it is- holding onto the things that we can neither control or derive benefit from is only going to add on unnecessary baggage. I can not overstate the bliss of a life without chains- a life in which God has called us to live.
Perhaps the most important things to remember are why we are here and how short of a time we are here for. In this moment on earth that we are given, we have work to do for God's Kingdom. As servants and representatives of the Lord, we are called to be examples. When we are bitter towards those in which we are called to love, we are giving a false image of Who God really is. We are here today and gone tomorrow, which is far too small of a time to be tripped up by potholes along our journey.
Scripture tells us to "put on the new nature (the regenerate self) created in God's image, (Godlike) in true righteousness and holiness." -Ephesians 4:24
The new has come, the old has passed away. This means that as Christians, the fleshly part of ourselves yearns to cling to the wrongs that we have done to ourselves and others, and that they have done to us. However, we are no longer held hostage by the bondage of sin. Thanks to Christ's sacrifice, we are a new creation- and it is only right that we act accordingly. This is not just out of obedience to Him, but for both our benefit and the benefit of our brothers and sisters in Christ. Not only is it not spiritual for us to imprison ourselves with bitterness, but it is not healthy. Consider ourselves to be freed slaves- the act of retreating back to a life of slavery would be foolish on our part. Each day, we have to habitually die to ourselves and live for Christ, ridding our spirit of fleshly desires.
"God has victory over any stumbling block that the devil attempts to use against us. It is just our job to never be fooled into thinking otherwise."
We have the option of waking up every day held down by the chains of yesterday, or seeking a better life for ourselves. We can either focus on the hurts that we have experienced, or be grateful for another beautiful day of life to start over with. We can choose to see the worst in people, or give them the benefit of the doubt and strive to see the best amidst it all.
Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. -Phillippians 4:8
"And become useful and kind to one another, tenderhearted (compassionate, understanding, loving-hearted), forgiving one another [readily and freely], as God in Christ forgave you." -Ephesians 4:32
No matter how someone treats us, we must realize that it does not determine how we treat them, nor does it make forgiving them something to be compromised. We must remember that Jesus himself asked God to forgive the very ones who crucified Him!
"When angry, do not sin; do not ever let your wrath (your exasperation, your fury or indignation) last until the sun goes down." -Ephesians 4:26
One concept that particularly comes to mind is the idea that "love keeps no record of wrongs".
There are going to be people in our lives that not only deeply hurt us but intend to do so, and yet we are still called to love them regardless- just as God does for us.
May we all strive to reset, releasing all bitterness like a breath. May we consequently see how this changes the lives of ourselves and those around us. What a lighter burden to bear.
"For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” -Matthew 11:30